January 2021 Tarotscopes (And a bit about your new year overall)
New Year, New You, New Me, New Month, New Tarotscopes & I'm open for February Bookings!
Hello High & Healing family!
Bookings are finally open for February 2021, we celebrate Black History Month this month, Valentine’s Day is coming and I have some exciting news! As you all know, I am a certified Reiki practitioner, but as of January 2021, I am a certified Reiki master teacher (meaning I can now teach Dr. Usui’s method of Reiki healing and attune Reiki practitioners to the universal energy)! I’m incredibly excited to start this next phase of my journey and to celebrate (as well as celebrate my journey to become a certified Doula and Lactation Consultant), we’ll be focusing February on all things love form Heart Space Healing Reiki to readings regarding healing in relations and romance! I also want to celebrate Black history month and will be doing Reiki for my Black folk and family for a discounted price. Half of the proceeds made from these two sessions will be split amongst a Black owned organization and sent to mutual aid funds for Black women, queer and non-binary folk. The session is $4.44 for Black folk (please book on my site) and for non-Black folk who would like to donate, you can send it via Cashapp, Venmo or PayPal with the memo as “Black Lives Matter.” For anyone who donates at least $15, you can email me a screenshot of you having sent the donation and you will receive either 15% off your personal Reiki session or a personal reading. (You can send the email to info@highandhealing.com with the subject “Black Lives Matter” and your full name. Please include the screenshot in the email. Thank you for your support.)
During this month, I have three additions, two group distance Reiki sessions, a mini love advice reading available and a mini, discounted reading for Black folk. Below, you’ll find more information on the Reiki sessions taking place and on my site, you’ll find information regarding the mini readings I will be doing all month.
Also, keep your eyes on your emails! I’ll be keeping you all updated on pre-orders for the special edition Crystals and Clarity reading* (a general reading and mini love reading with six crystals included) for February bookings and I will also be releasing a series of recorded guided Reiki mediations that you can purchase and have forever!
*If you made a purchase in December or January that has yet to ship, it will be shipped January 12h, please check your emails for tracking numbers. For those who booked the packaged readings, those readings will be shipped by January 28th.
During the month of February, we will have three Heart Space Healing Reiki Sessions this month and two Healing the Black Body, Mind & Soul Reiki Sessions.
January 31st — Heart Space Healing This session is focused on clearing the heart space and balancing the heart chakra (this a general cleanse and rebalance).
February 1st — Black Body, Mind & Soul This Reiki session is centered around releasing ancestral trauma, allowing our rage to heal and create change, grounding ourselves and doing a chakra cleanse and placing a protective wrap over us for the rest of 2021.
February 14th — Heart Space Healing This session is focused on releasing past relation traumas and allowing in healthier relations and connections in the new year (2021).
February 28th — Heart Space Healing This session is to bring deeper emotional healing, encourage reflection on past relations and personal cycles and forming a better relationship with trust.
March 1st — Black Body, Mind & Soul This Reiki session is centered around releasing ancestral trauma, allowing our rage to heal and create change, grounding ourselves and doing a chakra cleanse and placing a protective wrap over us for the rest of 2021.
Now, let’s dive into the January 2021 readings…
Tips are not required but greatly appreciated. Thank you! ♡
Cashapp $jegainer
Venmo @jegainer
Now, I know I’m a bit late, but I hope you all can carry these messages through the rest of January and into February as well. If you’re curious about your rising, moon, sun and venus sign’s lesson from 2020 and advice for 2021, read the rundown for each sign as you transition from 2020 to 2021 here as we say “bye” to 2020 and “hello” to 2021! Next week, I have a Your Year Ahead Pick-A-Pile looking into your self growth, success path, finances, relations and romance and the following week, we’ll discuss the meaning of a personal year and share some messages for your personal year this year! Be sure to subscribe by February 28th, 2021 for 15% off!
Decks Used: Albano-Waite Tarot Deck, Daily Crystal Inspiration Oracle Deck
Please read for your rising, sun and moon. If you have a very dominant modality in your chart, you can read the message for that modality as well. Listen to the songs included while you read or after! There’s a message in each song that will resonate with you.
Cardinal | Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
2020, the mess that we called a year is finally over and you’re out of the Saturn in Capricorn transit so 2021 is going to be good to you if you allow. For those who planted the seeds in the past one to two years, expect to see them blossom this year; This year will be easy and full of fun and celebration, you’ll see your growth show in real time and everything will be coming into alignment. For those who didn’t work so much and we’re just focused on trying to make their way out of the Saturn transit and past year, know that 2021 will be different for you personally. Don’t be afraid to set your goals and work towards them, I understand how challenging and unexpected 2020 was, but don’t let those worries hold you back in a new year where you’re being offered a fresh start, this year will be good to you as well if you follow your intuition, trust the divine and take risks that lead you to great opportunities. All in all, you Cardinal signs are seeing immense change this year and all for the better. Most of the change will relate to the personal, especially in your career/success path and elevating there, becoming more independent and confident in your work, changes in your relations will arise as well, this is where you may find the most discomfort; You’'ll be letting go of people or certain behaviors and aligning with people that will help you on your success path and/or people just here to encourage you to grow and enjoy yourself in the daily pleasures of life. Some of you may have plans to move this year as well, if not move, you will take a trip (a safe trip under Covid-19 precautions), there will be some sort of environmental change that will empower you and bring an important lesson on your pathway toward success. So, your theme for January 2021 is to enjoy your new beginning, not only should you enjoy a new year with a fresh start, but look over 2020 and the Saturn in Capricorn transit (that affected you for about three years), there were challenges, but you learned from them, you grew, you embraced changes that may have been uncomfortable at first and now here you are! This is a milestone and one to celebrate so don’t disregard or ignore the previous year, of course, you probably wanted to accomplish a lot more, but what you did accomplish in your personal journey of growth and expansion deserves to be acknowledged and recognized. So, spend some time looking at photos, journal entries, your social media, any resources that will give you insight on how much you’ve grown in 2020 and the last three years overall, it’s been incredible change that you should be proud of. As for January, celebrated your new year, this elevated version of yourself and the new chapter of your life. This month isn’t going to be super work focused, it’s just a month to smile, rest, and refresh. I encourage you to focus on your creative genius this month, if you have any passions or hobbies, devote more time to them this year, everyday, you should spend an hour alone without distraction, rather than being on your phone or watching t.v., learn a new recipe, start writing a book, practice painting, go running or start learning yoga, devoting time to self will benefit you in this year and help clear your head of stress and worry. With this, it’s time you reflect on your morning rituals, do you wake up and jump into your day or do you spend time with yourself (off your phone), reflecting on your dreams, journaling, praying? This month is your moment to figure out a healthy schedule that works for you, overall, this year is devoted to balance, harmony, and happiness, of course, you will continue to work, but you need to devote time to self and your personal joys as well. This schedule and creating balance will help you not rush your year, every moment deserves to be cherished and enjoyed as it is rather than rushing to the next moment; Every day, every hour, every minute, every second has a gift that comes with it, enjoy it. The II of Wands further confirms the message of a new year bringing you a fresh start and new beginning. Again, be patient and trust timing, nothing has to be rushed in this year. So, as you step into January, your guides strongly support you making plans and setting your intentions for your goals this year, but remind yourself that you have 525,600 minutes in a year, you have so much time to accomplish your goals, to enjoy yourself, to rest, to take risks—So much time, so don’t rush anything. Circling back to the theme of balance, as you create plans for your success path and financial goals and whatnot, set a personal goal for yourself as well, whether it be to return to an old creative hobby, read at least one book a month or learn something new by taking a course in your free time; Growth is not just about the what you do in the external and what the material you gain, but how you grow into yourself and how you connect with yourself. It may feel like a waste of time to learn something random and new, but those lessons can even help you on your success path! Take in all the knowledge you can this year whether it be in your career or academic path or just the small things you learn in your personal time, everything holds meaning and has significance, from the lesson to the minutes, that will be a big lesson for you this year. With the X of Cups, there is joy all around you in January, if you feel as if there isn’t, turn your head somewhere else and for those preparing their plans for the new year, dream big, get clear about everything you hope to achieve this year from the success to the personal, you deserve it. For some, something really incredible is coming around January 18th (around that date), possibly some sort of truth, I see this relating strongly to a relation or current connection in your life (and it does not have to be romantic), maybe you could be receiving support from this person moving forward or someone is finally being open and honest with you about the bond. For the most part, your relations will be growing this year, many new ones forming, you growing out of unhealthy relationship habits and victories coming in many forms in your bonds. All in all, this month will be good to you and so will every month after for 2021, appreciate every moment, take it slow, set a personal goal for each success goal that you set and implement morning rituals and an hour for self in your daily life. Your divine guidance for this month: Don’t let everything go to your head, stay grounded (which is why those rituals and daily practices are so important) and stay ready; This year will be good, but that doesn’t mean that you know everything that will happen, stay ready, continue to learn and grow and find a flow.
Pink Toes by Quality Control, Offset & DaBaby ft Gunna / Feeling Myself by Nicki Minaj ft Beyoncé
Chrysocolla; Start Fresh, II of Wands, X of Cups, Hematite; Ground yourself
Fixed | Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
2020 was definitely a year, it was good for some, it was challenging for others. Compared to others, maybe this year was relatively smooth, of course, there were still challenges, but they weren’t intense and had you in a place of deep worry and fear. In the early months of 2020, things were flowing quite well for you but we 2020 came to a close and Saturn entered Aquarius, things probably got more serious. The end of 2020 marked a transition point for you, you will have to step up to the plate in this new year as you redefine your present foundations, build up from them and step out of your comfort zone. This year will be heavily devoted to personal growth and utilizing your power, rather than focusing on those external goals and accomplishments, focus on seeing the deeper, hidden parts of self and addressing habits and behaviors that have put you in a cycle because the inner will reflect on the outer. Start personal and the work will represent itself in the external. Every time you make a breakthrough or shift your behavior, expect to see a gift appear or goal be accomplished. Your message overall for this year: The internal is what manifests in the external. If you find yourself seeing the same challenge or outcome, take a step back and reflect on your actions or what personally can be stopping you, don’t be afraid of change and transformation this year, it will be the only way you can reach what you’re hoping to gain this year. Fixed placements, don’t be afraid of change, especially as you address the internal. This is a good year to address if you are the block that is holding you back from elevating. In this year, become more active in writing down your plans rather than just holding everything in your mind. This year will bring challenges which is really divine guidance to remind you to come back down to Earth, you are still learning and growing, you don’t everything so be open to seeing things from a new perspective. In January, as you start the new year, it is important that you focus only our goals beyond the material, the financial and the success, those are important, but what else do you desire out of this world? How do you want to grow personally? What connections do you want to form? What qualities of your life would you like to manifest? All these things are so important and create the foundation that you build off of. In this year with Saturn no anteing Aquarius and you see a bit more restriction or challenge as you pursue your goals, a part of you may want to give up, but what goes is that going to do? Rather than working towards the new and overcoming challenges, would you rather stay in the same space and never move forward? During January, it’s very important that you clarify and reflect on your overall life goals that go beyond the material and what happens in the external, how do you want to live your life and what energy flows through you? Reaching and achieving that should be your focus. When you set your goals for growth, elevation and enjoyment rather than achievement and attainment, the journey becomes more enjoyable and the blessings grow bigger. So, before you fully step into this phase that this year is brining, spend this month getting clear about why you’re on this path and what you’re in it for, there’s something greater so just because you don’t receive on the first try, that isn’t a sign to stop, keep going and maybe try a different direction. Let your passion lead you this year. With the V of Pentacles rx, January is definitely going to be kickstarting this phase and showing you parts of yourself that you may have ignored such as habits and cycles or making it clear the things that no longer work in your life. It may be scary to walk away or leave things and parts of ourselves that we have always known, but to get to the things you hope to receive, you must grow. These “losses” may feel like sacrifices but they’re not, they no longer hold space or purpose in your life and by letting go of what has expired, you can embrace the fresh and new things that will that life will be offering you this year. In my head, I see the image of a child trying a new vegetable, being apprehensive to move from this chicken nuggets to the pieces of broccoli on their plate. They’re taking a small bite, thinking wisely about the flavor and then a smile brightens their face and they take a large bite—That will be you, yes, your old environment was great, but it was great for that moment and now it’s time to embrace something new and enjoy it. If there’s anything this month that your guides tell you to release, work to let go, don’t hold onto things that have expired or create stagnancy, if your guides ask you to look in the mirror and reflect on your personal habits, look in the mirror and dive in. People often encourage one to remove the ego, but the ego is not a bad thing, just the energy and space we give it. Create a healthy relationship with the ego this month and continue to focus on it throughout the year. Seems like early in this year as you take baby steps towards this new environment, you’ll come to enjoy it more and come to a big realization about your life goals, maybe something you want now will no longer be of focus by the Spring season. Going back to the ego and how much energy we pour into it, with the King of Swords rx, it’s really important that you learn to accept that sometimes you can be wrong, you can make mistakes and life is full of trial and error. As you look in the mirror, think about patterns that you find yourself trapped in in your success path, your relations, and any other realm of your life that is seeing more stagnancy and challenge than success and growth. Also, Fixed placements, do not be afraid of being wrong, accepting your faults, listening to guidance and advice or trying things from a new direction and point of view. With the V of Pentacles rx and the King of Swords rx, your biggest obstacle through this year quite honestly may be yourself, your ego may lead you to think you know everything and your an do no wrong, but this year will show you that sometimes we are our biggest limiter in our journey; If we are not open to learning, we cannot grow, thus, we cannot touch the success we seek. Please don’t take this message as if I am upset at you (because I am simply the messenger) or as if your guides are upset at you, they just want to see you prosper and this year will be that transformative point before you touch success and a new phase of your life. If something does not work this month or this year, let it go, do not keep carrying it, if it’s meant to return, it will after it mends and modifies itself. Please trust your guides this year, listen to them and take in their knowledge, they want to see you prosper and would never lead you int he wrong direction. Another theme for you this year is to reflect on how you give and how you are of service to others, your giving spirit will need to be ignited this year, don’t be afraid to be generous to those around you and to show gratitude for what you receive from others and your guides. All in all, January is your month to get started on the right foot, look at yourself, talk to your guides and get to work. One of your songs for the month is Cocky by Megan Thee Stallion so of course, address your ego, but also be proud of yourself, don’t take the message your guides have sent you and beat yourself down, just take the note and build yourself up, you deserve to be proud of yourself and you’ll be even more proud when you grow into your most greatest form. Continue to celebrate every great part of yourself, be proud of your growth and nurture yourself in the needed ways through this year.
Why Not Me by Forrest. & Biskwiq / Cocky AF by Megan Thee Stallion
Garnet; Ignite Your Passion, V of Pentacles rx, King of Swords rx, Azurite; Get Laser Focused
Mutable | Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
2020 treated the majority of you well. Of course, we are not disregarding the challenges that came this previous year, but as the world slowed down and we all went into quarantine, this year brought you closer to self. Personally, you accomplished so much, you learned about yourself, you took risks and you embraced new environments (which may not be literally, but there were changes that put you in new spaces), overall, even with the challenges, you’re grateful for this year because you got to handle personal things you may have ignored over the years and step into new spaces you never expected to be in. Pat yourself on the back for a wild year that you found a sense of harmony in. This energy is important for you to carry into the new year, find harmony even in the most unexpected of circumstances. Of course, a new year comes with new changes so whatever happens this year, remember that you are in control of your life and you can always find a way to make sense of the most confusing of situations. So, your theme for the first month of a new year is to focus on yourself, literally, that’s all you need to do in this moment. Maybe 2020 got you caught up in this whirlwind because you accomplished and did you so much ask you expect to walk into 2021 with no worry. Of course, your guides support your courage and power, but you can’t forget that life does come with challenges. So, in this month as you prepare for whatever you hope to achieve in 2021, spend time focusing on you. You seem to be running and your gas tank is slowly moving to empty. I can understand it, things feel good, you’re making moves, but you have to be present for your mind, body, heart and soul and you have to nurture every part of yourself. Even if you still continue making moves and doing things this month, find time out of each week to devote to you, to do a check in with yourself, to do a full body scan and see what parts of you needs your attention and to just rest. Rest is a beautiful and great thing and you have to appreciate it more. The only way you’ll be able to reach these goals you have is if you slow down and you nurture yourself in the process. For those who have been working overtime, use that PTO if you can or call in for a sick day; For those who have been trying to help everyone else with their plans and path, take a step back, give them tools and words of encouragement then go treat yourself and focus on you. Just like the Cardinals, you don’t want to run into this year and let the energy fizzle three months in. For many of you, you may be running to ignore some deeper emotions and thoughts, you don’t have to force yourself to think about these things, but don’t be afraid to uncover at least the surface; Don’t be afraid to think about what is hidden this year. The High Priestess confirms that thought will be a big focus for you this month and this year. As you slow and pour more attention into yourself, many of you will come to realize that you are running from a truth, running from something you may not want to address or a part of you is scared to embrace the new completely. There’s inner healing that will be of focus for you in January and the early months of 2021 so be patient with yourself and create a home within yourself so you are comfortable addressing these hidden things. Seems like many of you are very in your head about where you currently stand in your personal path (possibly fearing things will fall or you won’t reach the things you’re striving for) and others are scared to strengthen or build in your present relations (these do not have to be romantic). In 2020, you healed from pain, but now you have to heal your thinking, not everyone who comes into your life will break you and you don’t ruin everything you touch, have faith and apply your lessons, your guides will always ensure the best and healthiest outcome manifests. With this theme of you running, you’re running and removing yourself from the journey, but you, like Cardinals, need to enjoy every part of the journey, the relationships, the memories, the growth and the healing. Don’t hide your deepest wants from yourself just because you’re scared of losing them or worried about something not happening and don’t ignore fears that are clearly still weighing on you. If you feel comfortable, find someone to discuss these things with this month and if it feels right, a therapist and/or spiritual advisor could be a great resource for you as you go through this year. There’s many thoughts floating around in your head, discuss them with yourself and release them, holding them in will only cause you to run faster and exhaust you more, don’t ignore the healing that needs to happen. In this year overall, you will be asked to put yourself fully in your experiences (especially your relationships), don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Healing and addressing hidden traumas, pain and worries will be very important for you. Again, relationships from your past could be a focus, you could let go of someone or have recently let go of someone and there could be fear about exerting new relations (or environments overall in the new year). If something has been left, it has been left for a reason, rather than lamenting on it, reflect, heal and move forward. In this month, it is very important that you unpack how your fear and you holding on is hindering you from fully embracing new relations and spaces. The theme of vulnerability is something you should think and journal about as well. Trust issues could be present as well so I encourage you to practice forming a better relationship with trust as well as working on trusting your very strong intuition. Don’t be afraid to dive deeper into current relations, create new ones or enter new spaces, vulnerability is a power, not a weakness, trust yourself and set healthy boundaries, not everyone has to have every bit of access to you, it’s okay to take things slow. Even if new connections don’t form this month, for the entirety of the year, carry this message with you. Yes, things have happened in your past, but don’t let those things hold you back and don’t ignore your inner voice that is calling out to you. To grow and to elevate, we must grow in every part of ourself. So, take care of yourself this month by slowing down and taking breaks and start focusing on the internal. You need this time and space to reflect, don’t be afraid to explore your deepest thoughts and shine a light on the fears that you’re still carrying. If someone old finds themselves back in your space this month or in the year, set boundaries, there’s a reason this relation came to an end, you can’t embrace the new if you continue to reserve space for the old. By the end of January, it looks like you’ll be having an important conversation, be honest, be open, practice vulnerability, the relation will move in a healthy direction for the both of you (and this may mean an end for some and that’s okay). This year will be even better than 2020 if you start January off right by devoting time to self, addressing the dark parts of self and immersing yourself in your world completely. Get personal and get comfortable being personal with those around you.
Waze by Tierra Whack / What You Need by KAYTRANADA ft Charlotte Day Wilson
Turquoise; Prioritize Your Health, The High Priestess, VIII of Cups rx, Black Kyanite; Set Strong Boundaries
Have a lovely January and incredible New Year!